What It Is

Shortlinks allow you to turn a URL of any length into a short, easily typed link suitable for promotional materials where users won't be able to click a link. They consist of "go.mst.edu/" followed by a word or words of your choosing.

What you need

Before requesting a shortlink, you need the following things:

  • Your name, email, and department name
    These will be used to track your request and contact you when the shortlink is ready
  • The URL you will be forwarding to
    This will generally be a long URL, preferably on the mst.edu domain, in a format like https://example.mst.edu/long/path/to/page
  • The shortlink suffix you want
    This will be placed after "go.mst.edu/" like go.mst.edu/shortpath

The suffix has a few rules you should be aware of:

  • Suffixes are all one word, all lowercase, and alphanumeric only, no symbols, no spaces
  • You can use multiple words, but they must be consolidated to a single run-on word (e.g. "grad housing" becomes "gradhousing")
  • Suffixes should be as short as possible so that they're easy to type--shortlinks are meant for situations where someone will need to type the link because clicking isn't possible (like in a print publication)


  1. Shortlinks are available to official departments and groups within Missouri S&T's org chart such as academic departments, colleges, and offices. You will be requesting a shortlink on behalf of your department. Shortlinks are not available to individuals or groups that are not officially recognized parts of the Missouri S&T organization.
  2. Shortlinks should point to an address on the mst.edu domain. Limited exceptions are available for other .edu and .gov sites, vendor systems under contract, pages dealing with official university events, business and initiatives, or resources that faculty, staff and students are expected to use regularly.
  3. Shortlink requests will be reviewed by Marketing and may be rejected. Common reasons for rejection include:
    • Too narrow of use case
    • Too little improvement in ease of typing compared to the original URL
    • Linking to content that is not reputable or reflects poorly on the university's image
    • Linking to content that has no partnership with or clear relation to the university
  4. Shortlinks are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. If the shortlink you want is already taken, the department that requested it must agree in writing to release it before it can be reassigned.


To request a shortlink, gather the required materials from What you need above, then submit the form linked below. You will be notified via email when your shortlink is approved and functioning, generally within 1-2 business days.

Who will help

Joshua Woehlke

Web Developer / Programmer Analyst


Request a go.mst.edu shortlink