Submit a Bug Report

If you're experiencing outages or broken behavior in systems like Terminalfour, WordPress, S&T Sites, DubBot, etc., we'd like to know about it. Please be as descriptive as possible for where you're experiencing the bug, the URL at which it is visible, and how you're able to reproduce it.

Note that bug reports should not be submitted for things you don't suspect are caused by broken systems. Needing help uploading an image, for example, would be a web support request. The system crashing and showing an error page when you attempt to upload an image would be an appropriate use of a bug report.

What you need

Before submitting a bug report, you need the following things:

  • Your name and email
    These will be used to track your request and contact you when the site removal is complete
  • The system you're using
    e.g. Terminalfour, WordPress, DubBot
  • What you're attempting to do
    A brief description helps us design tests that narrow down what's broken
  • What error you're seeing
    We'll need specifics: "It's broken" is almost never enough information to locate and replicate an issue. Be as descriptive as possible.

The following information is also extremely helpful for us:

  • The URL in your browser's address bar just before you trigger the bug
    This will be a web address starting with https://
  • The actions on that page that cause the bug to happen
    This helps us replicate the exact sequence of events and determine if it's a system issue or account issue
  • Any screenshots you can provide
    What we can see is often different from what you can see. If you're able to take screenshots and attach them to the bug report, this often drastically speeds up diagnosis.


  1. Bugs will be handled in a priority order with those causing the most disruption to services addressed first.
  2. Other projects handled by Digital Marketing may have their time frames affected by bugs. Any time estimates provided will be extended if resources need to be shifted into fixing systems.
  3. The bug reporting form is not for general problems using systems, but for situations in which you believe a system is broken or behaving in an unexpected manner.
  4. Time required to fix bugs in vendor systems is subject to the vendor's availability and willingness to address the bug. We will submit detailed information to the vendor, but cannot guarantee timelines on bugs found in systems hosted off-campus.


To submit a bug report, gather the required materials from What you need above, then submit the form linked below. We will reach out if more information is needed to replicate the bug. Please be as descriptive as possible and include screenshots if available. We attempt to fix bugs with on-campus systems as quickly as possible, but cannot provide exact time frames since bugs vary greatly in their complexity.

Who will help

Joshua Woehlke

Web Developer / Programmer Analyst

Ryan Smith

User Interface and Experience Designer


Submit a Bug Report