What It Is

At times you may need to remove large portions of your site for later use. Stashed content is usually an entire branch of your site. When you need it again, it can be brought back exactly as it was for further editing.

Stashed content is generally used when you rework a major portion of your website, but want to keep the previous version accessible in case anything was missed.

Stashed content only works on branches--You must specify a page to be stashed, and all pages beneath it will be stashed with it.

Self-serve options

If you're looking to temporarily remove less than a full page of content from your site, this can be accomplished in Terminalfour by duplicating the pieces of content you want to preserve onto the same page they're already on (use Duplicate under the blue Actions button next to each piece of content). Duplication makes a copy of the content, but in a yellow "Pending" state. Once you have a pending copy, simply delete the original "Approved" pieces of content. Deletion from your live site will occur overnight. When you're ready to work on your content again, approving the duplicates you made will put them back on the site. (Note: Pending content does show up when you preview a page, but does not appear on your live site)

If the content you want to remove from your live site and recover later is an entire page, click the page from your site tree, then beneath the page's name on its General tab, set its Status to "Pending." The page will turn orange in your site tree, and will disappear from your live site after a few hours.

What you need

Before requesting, you need the following things:

  • Your name, email, and department name
    These will be used to track your request and contact you when the branch has been successfully stashed
  • The page to be stashed
    This will be the URL of a page on your live site, starting with https://. All pages beneath it in your site tree (the entire branch) will also be stashed.
  • Reason for removal
    This helps us understand why stashing is used and anticipate which information may need to be recovered and when


  1. Stash content is only available in Terminalfour. This service cannot be requested for sites on S&T Sites (WordPress).
  2. Stashed content must be at least one full page.
  3. If there are pages under the page to be stashed (children in the hierarchy), these pages will be stashed as well. Stashing only works on entire branches. Pages beneath the base page to be stashed cannot be left on the live site. If some pages in the branch are still needed, please move these out of the branch before requesting content stashing and ensure they are linked to correctly in their new positions.
  4. You have two options for stashed content recovery:
    • An entire page or branch can be restored to your site as it was before the content stash.
    • You may request temporary access to the stash to retrieve content for duplication into your live site.
  5. Stashed content is held indefinitely and remains available for the duration of your site's lifetime unless otherwise requested.


To stash

To request content be stashed, gather the required materials from What you need above, then submit the form linked below. You will be notified via email when the content has been safely removed from your live site and placed into stash, generally within 1 business day.

To recover

Email websupport@mst.edu to request stashed content recovery. You may either specify a page or branch you'd like restored to your live site, or request temporary access to your entire content stash to duplicate pieces back out to your live site. Please be sure to include which site you're working on.

Who will help

Joshua Woehlke

Web Developer / Programmer Analyst


Request Stash Content