What It Is

Site removal takes existing sites offline. Removed sites are kept in an archived state for at least one year, and most information recovery is possible; however, it can take some time.

What you need

Before requesting a site removal, you need the following things:

  • Your name and email
    These will be used to track your request and contact you when the site removal is complete
  • Your relation to the site to be removed
    Site removals may need to be verified with your director, club president, etc. before being accepted
  • The URL of the site to remove
    This will be the homepage of your site, like https://mysite.mst.edu or https://sites.mst.edu/mysite
  • Reason for removal
    This helps us know what other tasks need to accompany the site removal. If it's a personal site the reason may be as simple as you no longer need it. If it's a department site the reason may be that the department is closing, which will then trigger other tasks like updates to the campus directory.


  1. Sites will only be removed if their owner requests removal. If you are not the owner on record for the site, a club president or advisor, or the director or vice chancellor over the site, this request will be vetted before any action is taken.
  2. Accounts requesting site removals are recorded. Your entries into the name and email fields will be checked against the metadata for the authenticated account submitting them, and your information will be shared with the owner of the site. Illegitimate requests for site removals will be met with disciplinary action.
  3. Removed sites are fully recoverable for a period of at least a year. Partial recovery of information or media is also possible, though may take some time. Please request a site backup and verify that you can browse through it if you suspect you'll need information from the removed site.
  4. Site removals remove the entire site. If you are only interested in removing a portion of a site for later use, see the stash content request instead.


To request a site removal, gather the required materials from What you need above, then submit the form linked below. You will be notified via email when the site removal is completed, generally within 3-5 business days. This time frame may be extended if you are not the verified owner of the site while we wait for their approval.

Who will help

Joshua Woehlke

Web Developer / Programmer Analyst


Request Site Removal