What It Is

Site backups provide an offline copy of your site in its current state for future reference. This copy of your site is not editable.

Site backups are useful when you want to take a snapshot of your site in its current state, usually before you expect to make major changes.

What you need

Before requesting a site backup, you need the following things:

  • Your name, email, and department name
    These will be used to track your request, contact you when the backup is ready, and share the backup with you via OneDrive
  • The site you want to back up
    This will be your site's homepage, like https://mysite.mst.edu


  1. Sites are routinely backed up in back end processes; however, these automated backups are not available to you. Requesting a site backup creates a manual one-time backup for your own use.
  2. Site backup requests are meant to be carried out before major changes to your site--they are one-time snapshots and will not be provided on a schedule or many times per year.
  3. Site backups created through this process are an offline, uneditable copy of your site. They cannot be re-imported back into Terminalfour as live content. They are purely for reference purposes.
  4. Your site will be provided as a .zip file via OneDrive, shared with your university's @umsystem.edu Microsoft account.


To request a site backup, gather the required materials from What you need above, then submit the form linked below. You will be notified via email when your site backup is complete, generally within 1-2 business days. The backup will be shared with your account on OneDrive.

Who will help

Joshua Woehlke

Web Developer / Programmer Analyst


Request a Site Backup