Useful information

Terminalfour has it's own terminology that is used within the content management system. Understanding these terms is essential to being able to use it successfully.


A branch is the parent section and the child sections within it. You can duplicate and mirror branches.


A section is an individual page within Terminalfour. For example, this page is called a section within Terminalfour. You can create, edit, duplicate, and mirror sections. These make up every page of each site built within Terminalfour.

Content Types

A content type is the individual editable component used to create what is on a page or as Terminalfour calls it, a section. Example of content types are accordions, link blocks, and page headers.

Save Changes

This option allows you to save your work you've updated on the page but not show up on the website for everyone else to see. It sets the content type you've saved to pending. 

Save and Approve

This option allows you to save your changes to a content type and will update it on the site for everyone else to see. This sets the content type to publish.


This option not only duplicates the selected content types to mirror but also ensures that any changes made to one will be applied to all mirrored content types. This is useful if you need to show the same information in multiple places.