How To Use

Basic Hero Header

Basic Hero Header

All Filled Out Hero Header

All Filled Out Hero Header

Basic Hero Header

One line of text

  • Fill out the "Section Name Line 1" to have one line of text
  • Add background image for the text to overlay on top of

basic hero header t4

All Filled Out

When you need more than just one line of text

  • Parent Site Name : small text that goes above "section name line 1"
  • Section Name Line 1 : The big line of text
  • Section Name Line 2 : Another big line of text if needed (shouldn't be needed the vast majority of the time)
  • Section Name Line 3 : Another big line of text if needed (shouldn't be needed the vast majority of the time)

Adding links

  • Add the links by the section link buttons or use the HTTPS form fields for the links.
  • Fill out the link text below the HTTPS form fields 

All Filled Out Hero Header t4