How To Use

button example

Button example

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis non massa vel lacus egestas congue vel sit amet lorem. Aliquam a venenatis leo. Aenean tincidunt et diam sit amet commodo. Cras iaculis nunc sit amet neque imperdiet euismod. Phasellus tincidunt tellus ut augue rutrum, sit amet luctus quam mollis. Sed sit amet varius nisl, nec faucibus arcu. Proin auctor vehicula enim eget ornare. Suspendisse potenti.

Link with no styling


Buttons don't have a content type since we add them to other content types we're editing. There's two steps to creating one, the order doesn't matter.

  • Linking the text : Highlight the text you want the button to be made from and insert a link using one of the two methods
    • Method 1 : As shown in the picture, go to the icon for inserting a link and select the correct one you need.
    • Method 2 : Use the "Insert" option at the top of the form field then hover over "insert link" to select the right one
  • Creating the button format : Go to "Format" then go down to "Formats" then "Custom Formats" and select "Button" which is the first option
    • Note : The button style will not appear for you until it is linked.

Link without the button formatting

  • Simply add the link, nothing else is needed

button how to linkingbutton how to format