Important Information

Missouri S&T recognizes that social media is a way to raise awareness of our university, tell our story and build relationships.  

While there can be immediate benefits, social media platforms that span our university must be aligned with our social media brand standards, including brand identity and voice. We are all responsible for upholding the stellar reputation of our university by ensuring social content is professional, inclusive, reflective of our mission and brand, and compliant with policies established by the University of Missouri System.

Policy Resources


Many social media users include a prominent disclaimer saying who they work for, but that they're not speaking officially. This is good practice and is encouraged, but don’t count on it to avoid trouble - it may not have much legal effect. All electronic content supercedes print documents, such as PDF's, on the domain.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License. View a copy of this license. Send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA. Portions of this document were created with the assistance of

Prepared by Missouri S&T marketing and communications
Revised February 5, 2019

Social Media Guidelines

Social media is often the first experience a user will have with your service;
complete the following steps to ensure your audience is engaged and informed.

View Guidelines   View Directory