Useful Questions to Answer

What’s the Purpose?

Determine the purpose of the event and how you plan to achieve it. Whether it's to show appreciation, honor a special individual or group, or celebrate a milestone, having a clear purpose will guide all your subsequent decisions.

What’s Your Budget?

Make a list of your available resources and how you plan to use them. Consider venue fees, catering, gifts, decorations and speakers/entertainment fees into your budget plan. Allocating funds wisely will help you stay on track financially.

When and Where? 

Select the date, time and location of your event. Be sure to check the S&T calendar and academic calendar to make sure your event doesn’t fall on a date that conflicts with another event.

Who’s Invited?

Identify who you want to invite and the best way to reach them. Your invitation strategy might include email invites, social media announcements or printed invitations. Be sure your approach conveys the event's importance.